
External Links

There is no way that we could possibly provide a 100% comprehensive list of links for T&D professionals. However, the following is just a smattering of important links to the authors.

Major Organizations

Association for Talent Development (ATD –

International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI –

National Communication Association (NCA –

Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP –

Learning Guild (

North American Simulation and Gaming Association (NASAGA –

Online Magazines for T&D Professionals

Training Magazine (

Chief Learning Officer (

Learning Solutions Magazine (

Training Journal (

Training Industry (

eLearning Software

Camtasia and Snagit (

Adobe eLearning Suite (

Articulate 360 (

iSpring (

Raptivity (

These are ones that the authors of this book have actually used at one point or another. There are many other proprietary (costs $) and open source (free) software packages out there. For a great list, check out the Centre for Learning and Performance Technologies.

Key Figures in Training and Development

In our book, we discuss a number of very important figures in Training and Development. Here is a partial list of these individuals along with their websites.

Elaine Biech (

Tony Bingham (

Ruth Colvin Clark (

Donald Kirkpatrick and Kirkpatrick Associates (

Robert F. Mager (

James C. McCroskey (’

Jack and Patti Phillips (

Sivasailam Thiagarajan (